Wednesday, October 5, 2011

my new sweet hearts

These are the new sweet hearts for your keys or just to say I Love You!

...and in another shop: Bendorff The Hague

The bags are now in other shops too. Mala, my friend and owner of Bendorff, is trying to sell a lot of them.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My bags are sold in shops!

I am happy to inform you that my bags are sold in shops now!

Monday, May 30, 2011

leather vase: bring in the red roses!

Small leather vases with glass inside to put in the beautiful red roses I bought for myself. Why is my love such a cheapo??

Monday, May 23, 2011

purple thistles

Purple thistles in a leather white vase, don't touch that!

Art&Jazz Scheveningen 2011

Art&Jazz is an event for Scheveningen and young and old (like 99%) people has visited our home stuffed with art like sjawls (Noah), jewelry (Andree), fine arts (Nelleke) and leather art (that's me).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wall art

Wall Art designed by me for NPex The Hague. I went to the Haagse Market and bought 50 fabrics and nailed them on wooden frames. Also helpful when your collegue talks too loud; the neighbours will not complain!